Photographs of 19 September 2008
XVI International Ecumenical Conference
In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow
In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow
XVI International Ecumenical Conference
on Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, Thursday 18 - Sunday 21 September 2008
Spiritual Discernment according to Some Desert Fathers
Stavros Yangazoglou (Athens)
Spiritual Paternity in Western Monastic Tradition
Michel Van Parys (Chevetogne)
The Igumen as Spiritual Father in the Studite Tradition
Olivier Delouis (Paris)
The Teacher-Disciple Relationship
in the Letters of Nil Sorskij (1433-1508)
Gelian M. Prochorov (St Petersburg)
The Spiritual Father in John Climacus'
Discourse “To the Shepherd”
Damaskinos Gavalas (Santorini)
Some photos are available for the press:
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