Newsletter EN

It is a tool for keeping in contact with us and receiving by e-mail the most relevant pieces of information and news from the Monastery of Bose
The contents of the Newsletter are: short news, links to articles, information about events proposed to our guests. The Newsletter is a tool for saving time in searching for information and news. You will receive the most relevant pieces of information by e-mail, according to the rules for the privacy. Click here for your subscription:
* The Newsletter Letter to our friends will contain the letter that we write twice a year to our friends about Church life, the hospitality calendar, and the news from the community.
(People who now receive the Letter to our friends by surface mail are kindlly requested to inform us if they wish to continue receiving it also by mail).
* The Newsletter Edizioni Qiqajon will periodically inform you about all the new publications (books, booklets, CDs) of our publishing house.
* The Newsletter International Ecumenical Conferences will inform you about our conferences on Orthodox spirituality (programs, press releases, articles…).
* The Newsletter International Liturgical Conferences will inform you about our conferences on liturgy (programs, press releases, articles…).
At any time it is possible to delate your subscription. Your data will be protected according to the rules for the privacy.