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Bose, 18 - 21 September 2008Spiritual Paternity
XVI Internazional Ecumenical Conference
on Orthodox Spirituality
In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow
XVI Internazional Ecumenical Conference
on Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, Thursday 18 - Sunday 21 September 2008
Thursday 18 September
9:30 am
Spiritual Paternity: Biblical Elements
Enzo Bianchi (Monastery of Bose)
A Spiritual Contemporary Father:
A Memory of Metropolitan Emilianos of Silyvria (1916-2008)
Athenagoras of Sinope (Bruxelles)
4:00 pm
Basil of Caesarea as Example of Spiritual Father
Gheorghios Martzelos (Tessaloniki)
John Chrysostom, Spiritual Father of Olympias
Nicolas Abou Mrad (Balamand)
Spiritual Maternity in Contemporary Russian Monasticism
Gavriila Gluchova (Grodno)