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The exaltation of the Cross The Cross is and will always be the one place where God's true image can be contemplated, as he bends down to embrace men and women in their suffering. As Christians ce...


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Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) witness Catherine, a witness of God's love, died in 1510 in Genoa, Italy after many years of illness and suffering.


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Christ is that Morning Star who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light on all mankind


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Cyprian of Carthage and Cornelius of Rome (d. 258) pastors and martyrs In the year 258 the bishop Cyprian was martyred in Carthage during the persecution of the emperor Valerian.


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The program of the concerts for the year 2007 "Art is to grasp the beauty of the life, the love which is in everything" brother Venzo  concerts 2007 vesperali 518.39 Kb


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Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961) witness Hammarskjöld had been a man open to all, as his public office had required of him, but his heart had been undivided and he had constantly sought dial...


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Theodore of Tarsus (ca. 602-690) pastor Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, died in 690.  He was born in Tarsus, Cilicia, studied in Athens, and became a monk in Greece.


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  The Newsletter Edizioni Qiqajon will be sent periodically to you with information about new publications (books, booklets, CDs) by our publishing house. Subscription to the News...


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John Coleridge Patterson, pastor, and companions (d. 1871) martyrs John Coleridge Patteson and his fellow missionaries were martyred in 1871 as they disembarked on the Mel...


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2007 - The Baptistery 2006 - The Liturgical Space and its Orientation 2005 - The Ambo. Table of the World of God 2003 - The Altar. Mystery of Presence, Work of Art 1994 - Th...


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Matthew apostle and evangelist Levi Matthew, son of Alpheus, was a tax collector in Capharnaum. When he was called by Jesus, who was beginning to preach in Galilee, Matthew was among those wh...


2008 - XVI, Spiritual Paternity in the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition 2007 - XV, The Transfiguration in the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition 2006 - XIV, Nicolas Cabasilas and the Divine Litur...


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Silouan of Athos (1866-1938) monk In 1938, Starets Silouan died in his monastery on Mt. Athos.Semën (Symeon) Ivanovich Antonov was born in 1866 in Sovsk, Russia, into a poor peasant...


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Ketevan of Georgia (d. 1624) martyr On today's date, which corresponds to September 12 in the Julian calendar, the Georgian church commemorates one of its most popular saints, the martyr...


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Cosma and Damian (d. ca. 303) martyrs At the beginning of the fourth century, the doctors Cosma and Damian, who are known in the East as the holy "anagiri," or "unmercenaries," were martyred ...


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Eghion, 23 February 2008 A true kalògheros, that is to say –according to the Orthodox tradition– a man who became handsome because of his love


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Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) priest On September 27, 1660 Vincent de Paul, who established the Mission Congregation and a myriad of charitable organizations on behalf of the poor and marginali...


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Confucius (551-479 BCE) righteous among the nations In 479 Kong Qiu Zhongni, better known in the West by his latinized name Confucius ("the master of the Kong family"), died in what is now th...


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ITALIAN: Timiadis_IT 22/03/2008,20:55 347.64 Kb   FRENCH: Timiadis_F 22/03/2008,16:34 238.72 Kb   ENGLISH: Timiadis_E 22/03/2008,16:34 225.19 Kb


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God's angels and messangers Today the Western churches commemorate the Lord's angels and messengers. According to the Biblical view, the angels


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Jerome (ca. 342-420) Church father and monk Jerome, a monk and Church father, died in Bethlehem in the year 420.


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On April 24 Brother Enzo has been warmly welcomed by His Beatitude the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Christodulos at the Orthodox Archbishop's palace in Athens. This was their second meet...


Tuesday 3 June 2008 Holy Assembly The opening session will be co-chaired by Enzo BIANCHI, Prior of Bose and Mgr Stefano RUSSO, Director of the National Office for the Cultural Heritage of the Churc...


(original text in Greek translated into Italian) Auguriamo piena riuscita sotto ogni aspetto alla preparazione e allo svolgimento di questo incontro, in vista del progresso degli studi liturgici


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Dionysius the Areopagite witnessToday the Orthodox churches commemorate the author of the Corpus Areopagiticum, who became known in history as Dionysius the Areopagite.


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Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) witness Francis died at the young age of forty-four, naked and immersed in the creaturely peace he had always loved and celebrated in his songs of praise to God


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Bruno the Carthusian (ca. 1030-1011) monk It is prayer, according to Bruno, that allows us to become fully human as we struggle silently in our hearts, day after day


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Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392)monkSergius preached universal, cosmic peace and taught generations of monks to pray that the world, torn apart as it was by hatred, would be pervaded by the love


5 June 2008 HOLY ASSEMBLY  Listen to the Conference  by ENZO BIANCHI (original text in Italian) Ad ogni livello della chiesa cattolica oggi si prende coscienza che la qualità della v...


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John XXIII (1881-1963) pastor and ecumenical witnessAngelo Roncalli, who became Pope John XXIII in 1958, died in Rome on June 3, 1963 at the age of eighty-two. He died the following year in th...