Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Dominic of Guzman (ca. 1170-1221) priest Dominic of Guzman, the founder of the Order of Preachers, is commemorated today in Western calendars. Born around the year 1170 in Caleruega, Spa...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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German of Alaska (ca. 1756-1836) monk Today Christians of the Byzantine tradition commemorate German of Alaska, the founder of New Valaam monastery and patron of the Orthodox Church...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Laurence (d. 258) deacon and martyr Laurence, a deacon of the Church of Rome whose name appears in the Roman Canon, was martyred in Rome in the year 258.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

Patristic reading Let us open our eyes to the light that comes from God, and our ears to the voice from heaven that every day calls out this charge Let us get up then, at long last, for ...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Nerses Snorhali (1102-1173) monk and pastor Nerses Snorhali, a monk and Catholicos of the Armenians, died in Hromklay, Armenia in 1173.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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The passing of the blessed virgin Mary In the middle of August, many Eastern and Western churches commemorate the passing to heaven of Mary, the mother of Jesus

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Johann Gerhard (1582-1637) witness In 1637 Johann Gerhard, a Lutheran theologian, died in Jena, Germany.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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XV Convegno Ecumenico Internazionale Occasione incontro ecumenico di spiritualità ortodossa Sommo Pontefice rivolge ai promotori et partecipanti beneaugurate saluto Original Italian ver...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Philoxenus of Mabbug (d. 523) pastor In 523 in Philippopolis, Thrace, Philoxenus ended his earthly parable. He was metropolitan of the city of Mabbug in Syria.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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XV Convegno Ecumenico Internazionale Guardando al Cristo Trasfigurato ci sentiamo tutti uniti nell'adorazione del grande mistero e nel sostare anche noi sul Tabor Città del Vaticano...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Guerric d'Igny (1070/1080-1157) monk Born between 1070 and 1080 in Tournai, Belgium, Guerric became a canon and a theology instructor in his city. A seeker of solitude and prayer, h...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) monkA strongly charismatic man who radiated kindness and an ability to love and be loved, Bernard interpreted the search for God, which the Rule of B...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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The 160 Jewish martyrs of Chinon (d. 1321)In 1321, the one hundred and seventy members of the Jewish community of the town of Chinon, near Tours in central France, were accused of having ...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

XV Convegno Ecumenico Internazionale Questa è la vera via della iniziazione cristiana, cioè di quella crescita interiore grazie alla quale una persona battezzata giunge a contemplare Dio già da qu...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Bartholomew-Nathanael, apostle Today the Western churches commemorate the apostle Bartholomew. A native of Cana in Galilee, he is called Nathanael, or "God's gift," in the fourth Gospel

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Tikhon di Zadonsk (1724-1783) pastor and monk Tikhon of Zadonsk, a monk and bishop of his local Russian diocese, died in 1783.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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15th International Ecumenical Conference I wish you every joy and fulfilment in your prayers and discussione. May this meeting be an experience of God's glorious self-giving for all and a rene...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Cesarius of Arles (ca. 470-543) monk and pastor

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

15th International Ecumenical Conference The Transfigured Christ in the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition Bose, 16 -19 September 2007 Gli ortodossi e il Tabor: in cammino verso l'u...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Church father and pastor In 430 Augustine, a pastor of Hippo and one of the best loved fathers of the Western Church, died during a Vandal invasion of h...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Martyrdom of John the Baptist The martyrdom of John the Baptist is commemorated today by the Eastern and Western churches. The Baptist's activity reached its climax when he shed his blood, paying t...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Takla Haymanot (d. 1313) monkToday the Ethiopian church remembers the monk Takla Haymanot, who founded the monastery of Dabra Libanos.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872) Lutheran pastor and hymn writer

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Gregory the Great (540-604) Church father and pastorTransported by love for God's word, Gregory transposed into his writings the wealth of his personal lectio divina and his love of monas...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Moses (2nd millennium BCE) prophetMoses, a friend and prophet of God, is commemorated today in the ancient calendars of the Eastern and Western churches. The first Christians recogni...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Sister Maria of Campello (1875-1961) nun Sister Maria, who founded the Hermitage of Campello near Assisi, Italy, died in 1961 at the age of eighty-six.  Together with the siste...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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The birth of the virgin Mary This feast is a celebration of the birth of the woman who became "earth of heaven" - in other words, the fertile terrain offered by humanity so that the Word's Inc...

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Poemen (ca. 350-ca.450) monk Today the Coptic Church commemorates Abba Poemen, a monk of the Egyptian desert who lived from the late fourth to the early fifth centuries.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

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Barsauma the Nude (ca. 1257-1317) witness Today the Coptic Church commemorates Barsauma the Nude, one of Egypt's most popular saints.

Thursday 04 July 2024, at 05:21

XV International Ecumenical Conference The opening lecture by ENZO BIANCHI, prior of Bose, the lecture by Metropolitan KALLISTOS of Diokleia, and conclusions by MICHEL VAN PARYS of Chevetogne ...