Risultati (1567)
Comme un étranger
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
La rencontre de l'étranger, qu'il soit d'une autre culture, d'une autre religion, ou simplement un autre que soi, est toujours une aventure, à condition que ceux qui se rencontrent ...
Lectio su Luca 18,9-14
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Roma, 25 ottobre 2013 S. Maria in Traspontina
Introduzione Ringrazio innanzitutto don Bruno Secondin per l’invito rivoltomi ancora una volta e mi rallegro del fat...
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
V International Liturgical Conference BAPTISTERYBose, May 31 - June 2, 2007Monastery of BoseNational Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bishops' Conference<...
November 1
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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The communion of Saints of heaven and earth Today the Church invites us to sing that the branches have yielded their fruit; cleansed and pruned by the Father on the vine that is Christ, the branche... There was a problem loading image 'images/preghiera/santorale/menabuoi_cupola_santi.jpg'
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Press review
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
X International Liturgical Conference IDENTITY AND TRANSFORMATION The liturgical adaptation of churches Bose, 31 May - 2 June 2012Monastery of Bose Italian bishops' conference - ...
November 2
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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Memorial of the departed in Christ Jesus promised those who remain in his love that death would not have the last word in their lives, but would be a passage to fullness of life, because love is st... There was a problem loading image 'images/preghiera/santorale/14_11_02_cristo_inferi.jpg'
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November 3
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Richard Hooker (1554-1600) priest
In 1600 Richard Hooker finished his earthly parable near Canterbury, where he had been a parish priest. The Church of England commemorates him as a Teacher of the...
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XII International Liturgical ConferenceLITURGY AND COSMOS The cosmological foundations of the liturgical architectureBose, 29-31 May 2014 Organized by the Monaster...
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XIII International Liturgical ConferenceARCHITECTURES OF LIGHTArt, Space, LiturgyBose, 4-6 June 2015Organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Ch...
November 6
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
William Temple (1881-1944) pastor and ecumenical witness
Born in Exeter in 1881, William Temple was one of the leaders of the ecumenical movement in the twentieth century.
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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In our "society of uncertainty" (insightfully described by Zygmunt Bauman), in a moment of history in which we continue to talk about the 'end' (of the century, the millennium, modernity, ideologie... There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_articoli_quotidiani/14_09_26_fabre_misuratore_nuvole.jpg'
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Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XXII International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, 3–6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
SPEAKERS ...Mensagens recebidas
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XXII Congresso Ecuménico Internacional de espiritualidade ortodoxa”BEM-AVENTURADOS OS PACÍFICOS” (Mt 5,9)Mosteiro de Bose, 3 - 6 de Setembro de 2014em colaboração com as Igrejas Orto...
Sunday I
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
29 January 2017
Omnipotent and eternal God, we thank you for this Sunday, in which you created light, recalled your Son from the dead, poured out your Holy Spirit on the Church...November 7
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Peter Wu Guosheng (1768-1814) martyr
In 1814 the first Chinese-born Christian martyr, Peter Wu Guosheng, was sentenced to death. He was a catechist in Guizhou province and was guilty of refusing t...
Monday I
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
30 January 2017
Lord, our God, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our brother, and the Spirit who calls you in our hearts, we confess you our Father and acknowledge ourselves as your childre...La "santità" di Morandi
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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Vedendo le opere di Morandi, ho sempre riportato un’impressione profonda, come di un rovesciamento di sguardo: mi sembra che i suoi paesaggi, le sue nature morte, la “santità” delle forme… mi sembr... There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_articoli/15_07_27_morandi_natura_morta_.jpg'
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November 8
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906) nun
Today the Catholic Church commemorates Elisabeth Catez, better known as Elizabeth of the Trinity.
Rorate coeli
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Dai cieli piova la rugiada e dalle nubi il giusto.
Consolati, consolati, popolo mio verrà presto la tua salvezza. Perché ti lasci consumare dalla tristezza? Perché soffri
Cibo e sapienza del vivere
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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Festival Filosofi lungo l'Oglio X edizione7 giugno 2015
Un tempo, per gente che pativa la fame la tavola era un sogno; oggi, che si può mangiare con abbondanza, dentro di noi non vi è spa...November 9
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Nectarius of Egina (1846-1920) monk and pastor
Today the Church of Greece commemorates one of its most popular saints, Nectarius of Egina, who was a monk and metropolitan of Pentapolis.
Etica cristiana e malattia
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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XX congresso nazionale FADOI9 maggio 2015
Il mio intervento sarà necessariamente una sintesi o, meglio ancora, la presentazione dei fondamenti e delle espressioni maggiori, in relazione a...Capodanno senese
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
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Siena, 25 marzo 2015Lectio magistralis
Bene comune, una parola che appartiene al patrimonio ereditato ma che è stata dimenticata più che contestataNovember 10
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Leo the Great (d. 461) pastor
Pope Leo I, called "the Great" by later generations because of the breadth of his pastoral activity and theological pronouncements, died in Rome in the year 461.
Rassegna stampa digitale
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XXIIIe Colloque œcuménique international de spiritualité orthodoxe "MISÉRICORDE ET PARDON"egliserusse.eu
Έλεος και συγχώρεσηanastadiosds
“Misericordia e perdono”, al via al ...
Message de Théodore II, patriarche d'Alexandrie
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
XXIII Convegno Ecumenico Internazionale di spiritualità ortodossaMISERICORDIA E PERDONOBose, 9-12 settembre 2015in collaborazione con le Chiese Ortodosse
Reverendissimo padre Enzo ...Lo scandalo della misericordia
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 10:55
Avvenire, 9 settembre 2015
Si apre oggi al monastero di Bose il XXIII Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualitˆ ortodossa, dedicato a Misericordia e perdono. Dopo l’introduzione del fondat...