Risultati (1567)
Photos of Thursday 4 September
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox C...
Ecumenismo: convegno a Bose-ANSA
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
ANSA, 2 settembre 2014
"Abbiamo voluto parlare di 'pace' e di 'pacificatori', proprio in questo momento in cui, come ci ricordava Papa Francesco, stiamo vivendo quasi una 'terza guerra mo...Quando Dio scende in guerra-La Stampa
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
La Stampa, 3 settembre 2014di SILVIA RONCHEY
"Beato chi sfracellerà i tuoi bambini sulla roccia"recita il Salmo 136. E vengono in mente i giovani coloni israeliani uccisi o i bambin...A Bose il XXII convegno ecumenico internazionale-Vatican Insider (La stampa.it)
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
3 settembre 2014Vatican Insider (La stampa.it)
Si apre domani a Bose, in Piemonte, il XXII Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità ortodossa, riferimento per il dialogo ecumenic...Toward an Anthropology of Peace
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox C...
Love for one's enemies: the teaching and example of St Silouan the Athonite
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
22nd International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS Bose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014
di Sr MAGDALENE dI...Photos of Friday 5 September
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox C...
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churc...
Photos of Saturday 6 September
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox C...
Concluding thanks by Enzo Bianchi
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, 3–6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
CONCLUDING THANKS BY ENZO B...Photo HD XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, Wednesday 3 - Saturday 6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churc...
La mia vita in 5 scatti
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
Intervista a Enzo Bianchi nel programma Uno Mattina in famiglia del 19 ottobre 2014
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XIII International Liturgical ConferenceARCHITECTURES OF LIGHTArt, Space, LiturgyBose, 4-6 June 2015Organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Ch...
Lettera agli Amici Autunno 2014
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
Scarica il PDF della Lettera agli Amici
Cari amici,questo numero della Lettera agli amici vi giunge con notevole ritardo sulla consueta uscita di Pasqua-Pentecoste e in una forma particolare. Molt...
Architectures of light
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XIII International Liturgical ConferenceBose, 4–6 June 2015
The annual appointment organized by the Monastery of Bose and the National Office for the Church Cultural Heritage of the Itali...Conference proceedings 2014-1993
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXII Convegno ecumenico internazionaleBeati i pacificiBose, 3-6 settembre 2014
Se è vero che la pace è un dono del Signore, un dono dall’alto, una promessa messianica, resta vero che...Il grido di Abele
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
Intervista a Enzo Bianchi sul tema della pace all'interno del programma televisivo Frontiere dello Spirito
Theology of Communion
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
From October 20 to 23, the community hosts a conference organized by the St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Moscow, on the theme "Theology of Communion".
Research Project and Scientific Committee
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XIII International Liturgical ConferenceARCHITECTURES OF LIGHT Art, Space, LiturgyBose, 4-6 June 2015
The annual appointment organized by the Monastery of Bose and the National Office for Church C...
La melagrana tra vita e morte
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
I cristiani videro in questo frutto un simbolo di Resurrezione e lo adottarono a partire dal IV secolo, come elemento tipico della decorazione musiva, come testimoniano i mosaici delle volte a bott...
Research and scientific committee
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXIII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBose, 9-12 September 2015in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
The experience of evil, of the suffering ...Information
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XXIII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBose, 9-12 September 2015Mercy and forgivenessin collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
...Signes dels temps
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
Intervista a Enzo Bianchi sulla Comunità all'interno del programma televisivo Signes dels temps
Enzo Bianchi riceve il premio Artusi 2014
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
La cultura del cibo, in particolare, ha trovato in lui un interprete nella duplice prospettiva del rispetto per il lavoro che luomo impiega a procurarlo e prepararlo, nonché della commensalità e d...
Partecipanti al Convegno
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
XVII Convegno Ecumenico La lotta spirituale nella tradizione ortodossa Bose, mercoledì 9 - sabato 12 settembre 2009 in collaborazione con le Chiese Ortodosse
Lectio Divina
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
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The Bible is an ancient, enigmatic text from a culture vastly different from our own, and most of us find it hard to read. How then can we understand its importance to the Church, and how can it en... There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_libri/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere_inglese/lectiodivina_bianchi_en_spck.jpg'
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Annata 2014: Italia senza olio
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
"Più lacrime che olio": il 2014 verrà ricordato come l'annata peggiore della storia per la raccolta delle olive. E come l'anno in cui, forse, pagheremo di più il nostro amato extravergine. Il malte...
Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
The plenary session of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity was held in Rome on 18–21 November on the theme “The goal of ecumenism: principles. opportunities, and challenges fifty y...
La violence et dieu
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
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Le christianisme est une religion de l’amour: cette identification immédiate risque de transmettre une image édulcorée de la foi chrétienne. Or celle-ci prend pleinement en compte la violence et le... There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_libri/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere_francese/viloence_dieu.jpg'
There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_libri/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere/priore_libri_edizioni_straniere_francese/viloence_dieu.jpg'
Session plénière du Conseil pontifical pour l'unité des chrétiens
Wednesday 22 January 2025, at 20:15
Du 18 au 21 novembre a eu lieu à Rome la Session plénière du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l'unité des chrétiens, en coïncidence avec le cinquantième anniversaire de la promulgation du dé...